How to Honor the Internal Medicine Exam in 6-8 Weeks

If you liked my “How to Honors the Psychiatry Exam” post, I would love to share another study guide with you that helped me nail the internal medicine exam!

The following post contains sample content from my outline. You can purchase the full outline, which contains my recommended resources, question banks, practice tests, tips, and a concise, organized study plan for success for $11 at the following link:

Voomly will send you the complete study guide via email. Please do not share the email with your friends and colleagues…I am a starving medical student-soon-to-be-resident too!


My Resources

Reading Materials

*Step Up to Medicine- 12 chapters total

 Question Banks

*Complete UWorld Question Bank. I offer two plans on Voomly, one to complete all 1,000+ questions in UWORLD, and the other will help you complete most of the questions in case time won’t allow you to complete all 1,000…but enough to help you get honors!

Practice Exams

*Medicine NBME 1&2

Recommended Books and Resources For Your Clinical Rotation:

**Only Accessible on Voomly*




The Honors Plan in 6-8 Weeks + 1 Week of Preparation:

A quick word about why I recommend starting early. Internal Medicine is THE MOST DENSE rotation academically of any other. If your rotation is only 6 weeks long, you must start studying 1 week before the rotation even begins, especially if this rotation is one of your first three of third year, as much of the material will be new to you.

If your rotation is 8-10 weeks long, you have a little more leeway. I would still recommend staring early, but you can still shift this study plan back by one week. As you can see, Week 8 is just more questions and review.

The Week/Weekend Prior to Your Rotation:


*Step Up to Medicine:

–>Read and Outline Chapter 1. This is the most dense and most critical chapter of the entire book, and it is LONG.


The Complete 1,000+ Question Plan: Do 24 cardio questions/day for a total of 166 questions in your UWORLD question bank.

The “Sane” Plan: Do 10 questions/day for 6 days (come on, at least take one day off!) in the cardiology section for a total of 60 questions this week. Add notes from these questions to your cardiology outline.

Just as a Reminder…

*This week you should order the books that I recommended above as references on your rotation.

*Download a free scut sheet from to keep track of all of your patients

Week 1 and 2:

…To be continued for your Study Success at!





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